Traditional Swedish Shrimp Bites
Susanne has prepared Swedish Shrimp Bites, a classic Swedish dish, for decades. It is a recipe that her grandparents would make, and it is served as the first course at many dinner events with family and friends. She would often serve the shrimp salad on a spoon with a toast of sparkling wine when guests arrive. However, it is traditionally served on some crackers or bread throughout Scandinavia. The smaller the bites, the easier to eat — but if you’re into using a fork and a knife, feel free to make your bites as large as you want. Susanne makes this dish often as a nod to her heritage, but with a zest that feels perfect for summer! Serve for guests, paired expertly with Fullerton Five FACES Chardonnay.
- 2 heaping cups of tiny bay shrimp – peeled and cooked
- 2 tablespoons of minced red onion
- 10 sprigs dill, chopped
- 12 straws chives, chopped
- Zest of half a small lemon
- 1 tablespoon of lemon or lime juice
- 2 heaping tablespoons of mayo, enough for shrimp to stick together
- 8 cut rounds of white bread
- Chop your red onion, fresh dill and fresh chives.
- Add onion, dill and chives to the bay shrimp in a bowl.
- Add 2 dollops of mayonnaise and mix all together.
- Add lemon zest and lemon squeeze.
- Cut your bread into rounds (a cookie cutter works great).
- Fry the bread in a pan with butter on both sides until slightly brown.
- You’re ready to serve. Lump a heaping mound of your shrimp salad onto the bread and top with slices of lime.
Serve chilled alongside Fullerton Five FACES Chardonnay.